Thursday, August 29, 2024

Listening to the Rain & Contemplating Next Stages of Life Considering Government Misadventures


My 92 year old father has now been diagnosed with Stage 5 Kidney Disease. His kidneys no longer function. The US government will not allow him to use Medicare for home hospice visits and pay out of pocket to see his nephrologist. He was advised that is ‘illegal’. This should dumbfound me; however, the socialist running the deep state do not care about everyday citizens trying to live a few more days among their loved ones. It is heath care rationing pure and simple. 

Daddy is angry his kidneys aren’t functioning. Other than the kidney disease, he is ambulatory, mostly of sound mind,  able to climb stairs to his bedroom, go out for lunch, enjoy a cigar and visit with friends. The fact he’s been told it is illegal to use Medicare for one service and pay for another is ludicrous, anti American, Marxist, with blatant disregard of the rights of man.

I know my siblings and I have been blessed to have our father with us for 92 years. But he should be allowed to fight for every breath, using the benefits he’s earned and the money he’s saved.

This is a man who grew up on a farm in southern Indiana without a mother, indoor plumbing, electricity or a tractor. He paid his way through college with money earned by selling his annual pig, working in a warehouse while living in a barn, and using work study at Indiana State. My parents saved money, working as elementary school teachers by choosing to live on the less elite side of town and counting pennies. They saved to send their three children to college. They worked hard, save diligently, built a life based upon love and community service, only to be marginalized by government bureaucracy. 

I am saddened, heartbroken, angry and motivated to ensure the status quo changes. At this point I would rather see an asshole with a toxic personality in the White House than a sycophant indebted to the political machines of either party. We need to dissolve the power of the Democrats and Republicans and elevate grassroots politicians with common sense ideas that consider those who truly need public assistance, stay out of morality issues, institute a simple, fair tax system, encourage the development of small businesses, refuse to bail out institutions with taxpayer money, balance the budget, insist on line item vetoes, establish term limits for all elected offices, discourage former politicians from earning millions after leaving office, punish true criminals, eradicate political corruption entirely, require Congress and federal employees to rely on the same benefits as those in the private sector, eliminate unions for public employees, institute a private sector type process for federal employee disciplinary actions, require members of Congress to maintain an actual residence with furniture, taxes, residency requirements in the state they represent, allow zero gifts, and bar  any former employees of Congress, the cabinet offices, employees of federal agencies, or any other government positions from working for any law firm, business, nonprofit or any other entity that lobbies, engages lobbyists, or exploits in any way any knowledge, connection, relationship, to gain any scintilla of favor or money or concession or privilege or even a free donut for 5 years after leaving such position. 

Maybe, someday, this will, in part, atone for the reckless disregard of American citizens perpetrated by the elected, appointed, hired,  contracted, persons who have ravaged the rights of the people.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Grieving Loses!/TributeWall

This is the last photo of my mom and my mother in law together with my spousal unit and me. It was Thanksgiving 2016. We had no idea it would be our last collective Thanksgiving together. Ever since Todd and I had decided to make a life together in 2005, we hosted Thanksgiving for our loved ones. We so loved having our parents and whoever else joined us come to our rocky ridge to celebrate our good fortune at our home.

My mom and my mother-in-law immediately bonded. 

We enjoyed laughing together and shopping at Talbots and Chico’s the day after Thanksgiving, followed by visiting a couple of  Virginia wineries.

My mom was the first to leave us. She had been diagnosed with recurring breast cancer and made the decision to eschew treatment and refrain from telling us about her condition. She was gone by the end of 2016.

Subsequently, in 2024, my in-laws succumbed to age and illness, leaving us bereft, feeling lost, unable to process life on life’s terms. We are still reeling from grief. 

But, I am grateful for the years we were able to celebrate our blessings with our beloved family members. I am still trying to process and accept that these dynamic, loving, good, generous people are no longer here to share love, laughter, joy, beauty, opinions, support, experience, insight, family history, hugs, an ear, understanding, advice, comfort, reassurance, and connection. 

I miss my mom, my mother in law, my father in law, my aunt, my grandparents more than I can say. But, I am filled with gratitude that I’ve been blessed with the memories of such wonderful people.