Sunday, June 30, 2024

Time To Invoke The 25th Amendment


If the Biden family is too much filled with hubris, entitlement, blind ambition and narcissism to convince Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 election, the Cabinet must do what is right for the country and invoke the 25th Amendment. It is their sworn duty to the citizens of the country they promised to serve. Many lose sight of the fact they’ve sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States, not a man, woman, political party, officer, family member, donor, PAC or committee. The allegiance is owed to the PEOPLE. 

Biden’s performance on the world stage prior to his debacle of a debate performance has made the USA a laughing stock. His catastrophic debate performance caused Trump to appear statesman like. Biden looked and acted like a cadaver on Red Bull. I was waiting for him to drool on his tie. As an American citizen, I felt humiliated by how this performance made the USA look to friends and enemies alike.

Many Democrats voted for Biden in the primaries because the DNC declined to allow other candidates on the ballots. The DNC, the Biden family, the cadre of sycophants surrounding Biden, and the media turned blind eyes from open and obvious mental, psychological, and physical decline to prop up a sock puppet they can control. 

Enough! He needs to be removed from office now. He lacks cognitive ability. He is feeble bodied and feeble minded. He is barely more animated than Dianne Feinstein during her last months. It is time for a director with a shepherd’s crook to yank him off stage. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hesitant About Retirement Because I Like Stuff

I am ready to retire; however, I still have challenges resisting the accumulation of more stuff. I love shoes, handbags, accessories, home goods, ephemera, artwork, antiques, new clothes,  and the process of acquiring more stuff. I don’t need new stuff, but I enjoy new stuff. 

I love new things.I easily tire of my wardrobe. My plants need wine fridge wants to be filled to capacity. Our deck needs t be decorated with an abundance of flowers. Austerity is not my thing. Consequently, the concept of relying on life savings and social security causes me angst. 

Notwithstanding the above, I am at the stage where I am ready to exit full time employment and enjoy the fruits of my 40 year career. I’m still struggling the understand what that means. Yes, I know my need for new handbags, shoes and pseudo professional fashion is coming to an end. But how do I navigate that change? Any suggestions? 

For your enjoyment, a link to George Carlin’s riff on stuff. This is a true classic.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

What Happened to the American Work Ethic?


My parents retired from reaching elementary school in 1992 after decades of service to the Cass County, Indiana Public School System. They worked long hours after the conclusion of the school day grading papers, planning lessons, serving on charitable committees, raising money for good causes, ensuring their three children completed homework and participated in extracurricular activities, and made a concerted effort to sit down to a family meal every evening. 

Our family did not go out to restaurants or fast food joints. We couldn’t afford it. All three of us learned early that it was expected that we work hard and learn the value of money. I worked in a hospital kitchen in junior high school and as a waitress ( before the term server was deemed proper). My brother scraped road kill off the pavements with his summer gig for the highway department.  My sister cleaned houses, mowed lawns at the cemetery and did odd jobs at a local pork processing plant. My dad taught summer school every year so we could afford a family vacation. 

It was instilled in us that the world owed us nothing. We understood we were privileged to live in the USA, which afforded us opportunities that people in other countries did not enjoy. 

Finding a job after graduating college was expected. Any job. Not just a job that paid a lot, gave us flexible hours or likelihood of promotion or personal fulfillment or prestige. Instead, it was expected that we would accept a job, near the bottom of the food chain, with enough income to pay rent & utilities, and learn how to be part of a team. Many of my colleagues of a similar cohort ended up in their careers because we needed a job and someone gave us a chance. Success or failure then depended in large part on how we played the game. 

Too many novice employees in recent years want it all immediately. They want money, recognition, flexibility, a work/ life balance, fulfillment, loan forgiveness and prosperity without putting in the time, hours, sweat equity, inconvenience and relationship building necessary to succeed. 

It is clear that society needs a reset. Children should learn early and often that life isn’t fair. There are winners and losers. That if you don’t pay your loan or mortgage you can lose your car and house. And that the quality of life for most Americans is exponentially better than in most other corners of the world. 

I know I am filled with gratitude for the lessons I learned from my parents.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

House of the Dragon in the Year of the Dragon


Dragons fascinate me. I moved to Taipei in the Year of the Dragon. During my years living in Asia I collected dragons. The mythology in Great Britain celebrating Saint George slaying the dragon intrigued me. I loved the dragon dances, the representation of royalty and power, the sheer glory of such an imposing, fire breathing, colorful, flying magical, magnificent mythical creature! 

When I first became enamored with Game of Thrones, a great deal of the fascination involved my imaginative impossible dream of riding a dragon. I know, this is the stuff of the Magical Mystery Tour  mixed with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. 

Echo released a beautiful silk scarf at the beginning of 2024 to celebrate the Year of the Dragon yet again. The scarf sold out in nanoseconds. I had to sign up on a waiting list for restock and ordered it the minute I was notified it was available! It is generally considered auspicious to have babies in the Year of the Dragon. 

As I watched the first episode this evening of House of the Dragon Series 2, I was once again reminded that dreaming of  riding mythical creatures is a reasonable pastime. Why not imagine the impossible? Why not fantasize about something wildly magical and uplifting! Think about it, humans have been dreaming impossible dreams since Scheherazade told the stories of  1001 nights!   It is in our DNA to imagine the unimaginable. Embrace it! I do.

Monday, June 17, 2024

I’ve been writing this blog for 12 years!


I’ve just realized I’ve been writing this blog for 12 years! It started as an emotional outlet. It evolved into a diary 

Wow! The trajectory of my life has morphed into something I wouldn’t have contemplated 12 years ago. My mom passed away 7 1/2 years ago. I thought she’d be the last one standing. My father-in-law is gne. My mother-in-law has dementia.  My dad is 92. We’ve loved 25 cats. I’m eligible for Medicare next month. I’ve decided to retire in a year!

Sometimes I look in the mirror and wonder who is staring back at me. What happened to the girl with 45 years of working in her future? How did the years pass so quickly without warning? 

But, at the end of the day I am filled with gratitude for a life well lived, a husband I love through good times and challenging times, the gift of a few incomparable friends, a peaceful home on a rocky ridge, a brother I admire, a career that has served me well, excellent health, a positive attitude, beautiful memories, and the adventures to come. 

Namaste !

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Continuing Gifts of Al Anon~ Years Into Recovery


I’ve not lived with an alcoholic or addict since 2004; however, the tools I learned in Al Anon continue to give me the strength, hope and abilities to navigate the challenges I continue to face today.

When I first accepted, after 10 years on Step 1, that I was completely powerless over other people, places & things…including drug and alcohol, it was an awakening. Seriously, it took me 10 years of meetings to ‘get’ the first step! We all have our own paths. 

But, the journey was essential to my healing. While I rarely attend meetings, the lessons I’ve learned have given me the experience, strength & hope to make positive decisions.

My current relationship is far from perfect. But, the lessons I’ve learned and the tools I’ve incorporated into my tool belt have given me the confidence to make healthy decisions for my wellbeing.

Whenever I hop into bed after a particularly challenging day, I recite the 12 steps of Al Anon, recite the Serenity Prayer, acknowledge my gratitude for my good fortune, ask my higher power for courage to accept the things I cannot change, and celebrate my blessings.

The community, experience, strength and hope I found when I was at the depth of my despair, saved my sanity and my life. If you are hurting because someone in your life is an addict or alcoholic, reach out and find a path to recovery. It is a lifelong journey. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Some Old Fashioned Values Should Be Taught Again


This photo shows me with my 92 year old Dad. I grew up in the 1960s and 1970s. There was no such thing as a helicopter parent, excuses for misbehavior, trophies for everyone, safe spaces, pandering to children. Yes, my siblings and I experienced corporal punishment. Two of us believe it as appropriate and did not affect our sensitive psyches. The youngest, who had the least oversight, believes that only di food spoils, not children. That did not work out so well.

So, these are some precepts that every child in my cohort learned:

1) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you;

2) if you don’t have anything nice to say about another, don’t say anything at all;

3) Sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me;

4) Don’t judge another unless you’ve walked a. Ike in his shoes;

5) judge not lest ye be judges/

6) People who live in glass houses should never throw stones;

7) he who is without sun should throw the first stone; 

8) Grudges, resentment & hate only hurt oneself. 

8) kindness costs nothing 

9) Opinion is not fact; 

10) hading behind a pseudonym or anonymity is cowardly. Always take ownership for your comments.

Overall, my biggest frustration is the number of people or bots that judge, criticize, denigrate  cast aspersions or express vitriol anonymously online, particularly in comments to news stories. Grow a set and be open, honest and forthright. Don’t hide behind a fake handle. Take ownership of what you write and your opinions or shut your cowardly trap the f#$k up! 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Find Peace Within Yourself in Times of Turmoil

 A few weeks ago I visited my 92 year old father in Logansport, Indiana. I know that I’m fortunate to be able to spend time with my dad. We’ve both experienced the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in our everyday lives and in the political sphere. 

Dad is a rabid republican. I am an unapologetic libertarian. Neither of us has tolerance for those who denigrate America. We’ve both traveled and experienced the travails of people who live in socialist, communist, fascist, oppressive, martial law, autocratic countries run by despots. Travel has confirmed for both of us that those who disagree with the American experiment are either idiots, uneducated, uninformed, indoctrinated, confused, conditioned, corrupted, lost, mentally unstable, or spies for autocratic governments. One cannot travel the world without realizing the freedoms we in the USA enjoy everyday. 

Name a communist government that has not repressed, imprisoned or executed its people in the name of re-education.