with what freshness, what solemnity and beauty, is each new day born; as if to
say to insensate man, "Behold! thou hast one more chance! Strive for
immortal glory!”

So what have I embraced in
the almost 6 years since I passed my 50th birthday?
I flew in a hot air balloon;
· Learned photogenic drawings at a workshop in Lacock , England and celebrated the 175th anniversary of the photographic negative;
Started a small business;
Began writing a Blog;
Bought a firearm;
Learned how to shoot it;
Sewed curtains that I’ve actually hung on windows;
Stood on my head during yoga;
Began & completed a boot-camp workout;
Created /sewed 2 mid 19th Century ball-gowns that fit
Made a Civil War era buckram bonnet;
Learned wet-plate collodion photography at The George Eastman
Killed a nest of black widow spiders (with help of spousal unit)
Began writing a book and contacted a publisher;
Wrote book reviews for pre-published galleys for two websites;
Learned to bake bread;
Attended Jazzfest in New Orleans twice!
Divested my wardrobe of all business suits. I’ve reached the age
whereby if I ever need to interview for a position again I will not require a
suit to express professionalism or gravitas;
Took a course to learn dry plate collodion negatives;
Drove a vehicle with more than 300,000 miles on the odometer;
Learned to say “no” and
mean it!
What have you done to
celebrate the wonders of life after 50? Please share your experience, strength
and hope with the rest of us!
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