Thursday, October 18, 2012

Really - this makes news? Billboards in Wisconsin

On the days I endure my commute of 90 miles each way I generally listen to NPR - at least the first cycle of Morning Edition and All Things Considered.

This evening the news portion discussed a brouhaha that erupted after a private foundation purchased billboards from ClearChannel Communications that state boldly "Voter Fraud is a Felony" "Up to 3 1/2 Years and a $10,000 Fine". There is an image of a gavel on the billboard.

For some reason the far left liberal establishment believes this is an attempt to intimidate minority voters who are more likely to vote for a Democrat in an attempt to keep them from the polls. One must ask, with all incredulity, really? How would a billboard that identifies voter fraud as a crime deter anybody who wasn't considering voter fraud? If one has registered to vote and has acceptable identification, why would one be concerned? When did reminding one of a law become discriminatory?

This discussion then morphs into my question as to why the media argument that any requirement that one possess identification to vote is an assault on liberty astounds me. We live in a world where one cannot board a plane without a government ID. One cannot obtain a driver's license without identification. One cannot apply for a passport without a birth certificate or an expired passport. One cannot obtain a job without 2 forms of acceptable identification. Why should the privilege to vote be any different?

During various times in my life I have resided on foreign soil. From day one I was always advised to carry identification and if I had legal residency, have the documentation to verify that at all times. Why should that be different in the US?  As long as I did not break any laws, nobody asked for the ID. When I was pulled over for turning right on red ( at an intersection where the arrow was removed during Chinese New Year precisely for filling the state coffers by ticketing foreigners) I had to produce my identification including my Visa giving me authority to be in the country. I wasn't offended. I just knew that was the way it was.  I can assure you it wasn't a comfortable experience. The police officer had an automatic weapon and pointed it at me. It scared me. But I showed my ID and continue driving to visit my friend. I knew the government had the right to verify I was a legal driver. 

All of this is a circuitous argument to state that the billboards should not have offended anybody except those intending to break the law by committing fraud. Nobody else would even pay attention. Again - much ado about nothing. And this makes national news!

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